14 Gennaio 2019

Carbon Mind admitted to the POR MARCHE FESR 2014-2020 ranking

Publication of the ranking relative to the call for tenders POR MARCHE FESR 2014-2020 – ASSE 3- OS 7- Action 7.1 “Support to start-up, development and business continuity in areas of production crisis – Support for Start UP projects – Plafond Piceno”

Carbon Mind in December 2018 was admitted to the ranking: https://www.regione.marche.it/Regione-Utile/Attivit%C3%A0-Produttive/News-ed-eventi/Post/47539/AREA-CRISI -COMPLESSA-PICENO-CRATER-SEISMIC-APPROVED-11-PROJECTS

Carbon Mind, through this investment project, will strengthen its offer, supporting the services already in place in the start-up, with prototyping and testing services.

The prototyping area will make it possible to create composite products internally with various technologies. In fact, the global investment consists of setting up a small clean room and autoclave, a press and other equipment that give customers the opportunity to see their projects realized and to test new materials, new technologies. All this translates into a reduction in time – to – market and the costs of the preliminary study phases.

The laboratory that will be built will be equipped with the most appropriate equipment to offer a complete range of services for the characterization of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products.